Curtis Suter wrote: I stand corrected.
I was the one who started the launch height issue. Here's the actual wording:
All thermal duration tasks will be attempted with an electric sailplane equipped with an altitude limiting device set to a maximum launch height of 200 meters (656.17 feet) and a maximum motor run time of 30 seconds.
So I stand very much corrected; it is a setting not a hard limit. Those LSF rule writers are good!
Curtis, forgive me if I am wrong, but I presume you do not fly electric soaring contests. What they are talking about is the device that has created the national swell around ALES, Altitude Limited Electric Soaring. The limit is on the launch. 30 second motor run or 200 meters, whichever comes first. When you hit the limit, the motor automatically shuts off.
This has become the preferred launch method over the old LMR, limited motor run, which became a power race. Now, no matter how much power you have you can't launch higher than 200 meters. So the trend is moving toward lighter planes and the foamies are doing quite well in the contests.
This has become so popular that there is now a separate forum on RC Groups devoted to ALES and a national league
that is web based. The rules are based on the AMA ALES NATs rules which, I presume, were developed and approved by LSF or at least with LSF's help.
Contests are popping up everywhere.
I am a member of the Eastern Soaring League.
This has been a winch and hand launched regional competition league that sanctioned 34 contests this year. At this year's league meeting we voted to start a new division for electric soaring that will likely be dominated by ALES type contests, though FAI F5J will certainly qualify and I imagine an LMR contest would too though I don't know how much of that is still going on.
People who would never have dreamed of entering a string or hand launched soaring contest are excited about ALES and the trend is growing fast. The Parkflyer pilots are buying Radians and Radian Pros, getting ALES units and learning to soar. It is quite exciting.
If you knew all of this, forgive me for posting it.