Preston Heller wrote: Of course the way to have killed most of the debate in this thread would have been the adoption of three simple things.
Using a device that limits your altitude to the stated amount with a penalty for going over. This is mostly for competition purposes, but right now it's true, some guys blast through the stated contest altitude. For tasks it's just not much of an issue.
Use a limiting device that prevents restarts once you have reached your altitude, until you are back on the ground. Period. Any real debate would be over. No difference whatsoever between winch in nose planes and winch on ground planes. That was suggested early on, but rejected.
Adopt the color system for program designation and amend the by-laws.
It really wasn't much more complicated than that.
I agree Preston, especially about restarts till on the ground. It seems there are so many units that do allow restarts and perhaps folks would vote it down because it would make them obsolete. IMHO this shouldn't matter as the new rules are for decades not months.
So where we are now with two SAP's. I have been thinking more about the sticker/label use. On any model, flightbox auto license plate etc the LSF should not make a distinction between the two SAP's. So it could be placed anywhere. I think that If a level number is used it most certainly MUST ascertain which program. Then again to me it is just an ego thing to me as it means nothing to folks who don't understand the bylaws anyway and the one's who do, perhaps like me, I think, that I don't care either and if I did I could ask them if they are a purist or cheated their way in. In other words it is a heck of an achievement no matter if it is the watered down program as some folks like to think.
Curtis "How will I vote?" Suter