tMcCann wrote: Rob
My voting by mail was not to obstruct the process but just the opposite, to illustrate that a substantial portion of the membership have been denied the the opportunity to participate in clear violation of bylaws. I look forward to reading the minutes of the board’s vote authorizing the vote by the membership of the most significant change in the history of this organization.
Tim McCann
LSF V #79
AMA Contest Director
AMA Leader Member
I am confused.
1. Substantial portion denied opportunity to participate. What is a substantial portion?
2. What specifically in the bylaws was violated?
For referance:
Section 1 – These Bylaws, and any supplements or attachments, may be altered, amended, deleted or replaced by the affirmative vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the Executive Board and subsequent concurrence of a simple majority of the votes cast by active members, except the super requirements contained in Section 2.
Section 2 – Proposed amendments to Article XII Section1, and Section 2, and Proposed amendments to Article XVI - LSF Soaring Accomplishment Program must meet the requirements contained in Article XII Section 1 and That vote must also contain affirmative votes of two-thirds (2/3) of the then current living Level IV’s and Level V’s.
Section 3 - Proposed amendments must be submitted to the active members via individual communications, and mass communication announcement methods such as the Model Aviation and RCSE, and must allow a minimum of thirty days (30) days from date of mailing for response and consideration. Such dates must be so stated on the ballot.
Red Scholefield
AMA 951 LSF i #412
Contest Director