dHarban wrote: This will be my last comment on your proposition. Your comments have gone from the sublime to the ridiculous.
That's cool. I just wanted to present my ideas. Clearly you, Ed, and Preston don't like them. :) I'm not sure what other folks think. Or if for that matter any of this is even up for discussion.
It would be kind of nice to get an opinion from the proposal authors on the other items I brought up. That being if non ALES contests (LMR, F5J, electric F3J, F5B, slope racing with electric models*, etc.) would be allowed for the contest portion and if there is/perhaps should be any kind of wording for minimum start height for the landing tasks.
dHarban wrote: And you are beyond delusional if you believe that the difference between a 200 meter and a 457 meter launch would not make a difference in accomplishing most of the Flight Tasks.
I like it. I'm changing my rcgroups slogan to that. :)
* OK admittedly that last one I made up. I have no idea if guys are doing slope racing with electric models.