Wow, You saved me a bunch of time by covering many of my thoughts with your post. I vote No also.
Just seems like it was rushed and predetermined. I have a huge concern for the future of soaring and see the e-powered sailplane movement as a stimulus to grow our hobby. Let's get the ESAP Right, probably our only shot at it as Don said.
My biggest concern is the health of SOARING CLUBS and they are on the decline ... not good for AMA at $58.00 a crack and not good for LSF . You would think the availability of ARF's would be a boon to club membership, but here in my neck of the woods, in four states, club membership is fading noticeably.
My Biggest recommendation to any soaring club or LSF is, get us on TV, get us some grade A exposure . We have been flying in the boonies way too long without exposure. Get a TV station from INDY to cover Soaring at the Nats, get us on the TV local shows. RC Soaring needs TV and Internet exposure. And it isn't all about contests, a low percentage of sailplane pilots are interested in contests. But, clubs without new members will never spawn many contests enthusiast .
Woodys Forever .. But they probably won't be flying ALES much.